

Mrs. Natalie Newcomer had a heart for our community, she loved everyone. Her life began on September 3rd, 1941, here in Chambersburg PA. She was an orphan until 1954, when she was adopted by the late Richard and Elizabeth (Speaks) Brown.

In the next few years, she graduated from our local high school here in Chambersburg.

Natalie and Bennett “Ben” Newcomer were married on February 27th, 1960. Natalie and Ben moved to San Antonio, Texas later Ben joined the Air Force, moving to Andrews Air Force base in Washington DC. Natalie began to work as a hairdresser, then she took a positions with the United Bank and Trust as a Teller. The Lord excelled her in favor to become a manager and then vice president of Maryland National Bank, Natalie went on to the University of Maryland and received a degree in accounting and business. They Lived in the Washington DC Metropolitan area eventually coming back home to Waynesboro Pennsylvania in 1984.

While back in Pennsylvania she became comptroller for several local companies. That were family owned

One day when Natalie and Ben were out on their yachting with friends Natalie made a remark to her friend looking over across the Chesapeake Bay “I wonder what the poor people are doing right now” immediately there was a streak of lightning from the sky with a loud crack, She heard a voice say ” I will show you”” they needed to return to shore, Ben struggled to get the yacht back to the shore.

Within months of the lightening incident while on the yacht, Natalie and Ben lost almost everything they had, and their living circumstances changed, for everyone. Natalie dropped to her knees and prayed Lord show me how to get out of this and I will dedicate the rest of My life to those I offended.

For the next 32 years Natalie and Ben devoted their time, money, sweat and tears while giving it their all, and working hard for everyone needing a hand up instead of a handout.

In 1987 Ben and Natalie dedicated their lives to our community and Maranatha Ministry Incorporated opened their doors to anyone who needed a hand up with any opportunity happening in anyone’s life.

Natalie, remembering back to the girl who was reared in an orphanage for her first 13 years of life, wanted to meet the needs in her local community. Maranatha Ministry Inc. began giving back through the food pantry, clothing bank, furniture, and other operations locally here in our community.

Maranatha Ministry Inc. became Natalie’s focus, building a partnership with many vendors, clients, churches and families through showing the love of Jesus Christ, and the foundation of being faith-based as a non-profit organization that is community supported only. Today her family is still honoring God by following in her footsteps according to the biblical standards of His will His way.

At the young age of 78 Mrs. Natalie Brown Newcomer passed away and began her everlasting life on November 29th, 2019. Today her legacy carries on with her son Craig Newcomer and their children. Pastor Craig Newcomer has picked up the torch his mother began in our community here in 1987 to meet the needs according to the word of God and fulfilling Natalie’s vision helping those who need a hand up not a hand out.

Matthew 25:35-40 New Living Translation

35 For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. 36 I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’ 37 “Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? 39 When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, [a] you were doing it to me!’

Pastor Craig Newcomer keeps the Holy Spirt alive in the ministry. He is building the next steps needed to expand the ministry and its foundation according to the word of God and visiting his Father every day. Craig has a story to tell, one day soon he will share his testimony, Craig has shown us all he is led by the Holy Spirit and walks as a righteous man close with Jesus in his heart.

His natural drive to seek the way of our Lord was formed before he was born, it is apparent to everyone who gets to know him via our ministry. Craig provides help to see who needs a hand up and not a hand out. He also provides help managing a prisoner ministry, while also helping families and children as well as many others via the ministry.

He is willing to train anyone who is led by the Holy Spirit to receive an understanding of how to serve our community.

The Lord has given him favor to operate under his mother’s calling here locally at Maranatha Ministries Incorporated which is a Non-Profit Umbrella organization a 5013C for several other organizations.,

The Lord called Craig in 2006 to come help his mother full time and for her to share with him what her vision was and how she wanted things carried out in our local community within Franklin County, Chambersburg PA.

In 2019 when his mother went home to Glory, the torch was passed to him with honor and dedication to accept the responsibilities to carry on her legacy. He is keeping the torch lifted and lighted for her namesake but mostly the Lord’s Christ Jesus namesake.

Craig follows the teachings and leading of the Holy Spirit and keeps the operations of Maranatha Ministries Inc. under the non-profit umbrella with the same principle in honor of his mother today.

Both Natalie and Craig are a true example of the Mercy and Grace God gives us to become a Faithful servant of our father above.
Natalie from Orphan against all odds to serving our community and becoming a leader.
Craig from past Life in the Motorcycle world to becoming an ordained Pastor and Doctorate of Theology.
Gods mercy and grace is for everyone who seeks HIM